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1. Check Memory/CACHE 2. Ask a root server 3. Ask a TLD server 4. Ask a Hosting server 5. Save in the CACHE 6. Send the request

Routing is the process of sending data between two computers on the internet. The data is sent through routers that determine the route.

ALL Answers In Code HS Web Design (Picasso) Flashcards - Digital Art Quizlet Codehs Login Page

Multiple paths exist between two points. Improves reliability! - The system is fault tolerant - Individual routers can break, and the system still works fine. Makes the routing system scalable -Added routers = better performance!

Unit 11 Codehs Pt.2 (11.4 11.8) & Computers And Internet Hardware Flashcards

All data sent over the internet is broken down into several packets. Packets are the units of data that are sent over the network. The layout of a packet is defined by a protocol.

IP standardizes the layout of all packets. All packets must have: 1. A destination IP address 2. A from IP address 3. The actual data being sent

TCP is a protocol that allows for sending multiple packets between two computers. TCP checks that all packets arrived and that they can be put back together in the proper order. TCP adds a packet number to each packet, so that we can track the order of the packets.

Unit 11 CodeHS Pt.2 (11.4 11.8) & Computers And Internet Hardware Flashcards - Digital Art Quizlet Codehs Login Page

Textbook: Ap Computer Science A Textbook

HTTP is a protocol that standardizes the language for talking to web servers to send and receiving web resources. Defines how computers request and receive HyperText information. It makes sure the information inside the page can be understood.

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)Viewing a webpageStep 1: The URL -You are locating a resource that exists somewhere on the internet. Step 2: Create an HTTP request Step 3: Use DNS to get the IP Address Step 4: TCP/IP breaks the Request into Packets Step 5: Packets are routed to the proper IP Address - TCP checks that every packet made it. IF not, the server will request that the missing packets are resent Step 6: The original request is pieced together from the packets Step 7: The server creates an HTTP response - The HTTP response includes a status code (200 OK) The actual HTML file is in the response Step 8: TCP breaks up the Response in to Packets Step 9: The response packets are routed back to the computer Step 10: The original response is pieced together from the packets -Your computer is able to reconstruct the original message because both the computer and server are using the same protocols. Step 11: The page is Rendered (that all happened in less than a second)Internetpacket-switched system through which digital data is sent by breaking the data into blocks of bits called packetsPacketscontain both the data being transmitted and control information(metadata) that helps rout the dataSequential ComputingCons -Completes one task at a time, in order. - Slow Pros - Easier to find bugs -No setup neededParallel and Distributed ComputingPros -Completes multiple tasks at a time, simultaneously. -Faster Cons -Difficult to find bugs -Difficult to use and set up correctlyDistributed ComputingBenefits: -Scalable -Fault-tolerant -Reliable Challenges: -Complex -Expensive to maintainMotherboardConnects all parts together electronically and allows them to interact.Hard Disk/ Solid State Drive (HDD, Storage)Long-Term memory -Installed programs are stored here. -Usually many GB or TB in size.Random Access Memory (RAM/Memory)"Form of computer memory that can be read and changed in any, order typically used to store working data and machine code." Works like short term memory More RAM (more memory) ~ Faster ComputerCentral Processing UnitWhere binary (ons and offs) are interpreted. -Better CPUs can utilize more memory The circuit/component within a computer that executes instructions that make up a computer programGraphics Processing Unit(GPU)Integrated with a graphics or video card, is not a graphics or video card. ***more left on slideVideo cardComponent used to enhance image resolution on the screen.Graphics CardHas its own memory and cooling system -Used to enhance the quality of video and images (dedicated graphics)Input DevicesUsed to input data from a user into a computer EX: keyboard, mouse, microphone, cameraOutput DeviceConverts data from a computer into human-readable form EX: Monitor, speakers, headphones, printerCacheReserved storage location that collects temporary data to help websites, browsers, and apps load faster.Routingprocess of sending data between two computersCostCost = how close is the IP address? Is this router trustworthy? Is the connection fast enough?

CodeHS 2.5 - Digital Art Quizlet Codehs Login Page

The next time you visit, C.E. complains of sores behind his ears. He explains, "That long oxygen tubing seems to take on a life of its own. It twists around and gets caught under doors, chairs, everything. It darn near rips the ears off my head." You auscultate C.E.'s breath sounds and detect the odour of Vicks VapoRub. When you question C.E. about the use of Vicks, he tells you that he started to apply it in and around his nose to prevent his nose from becoming dry and sore. What specific teaching do you need to reinforce with C.E. and his wife?

Code Hs Javascript Unit 4: Graphics Challenges Slideshow By Kelly Kroft

Knowing that the machine component shown has a trapezoidal cross section with a=3.5a=3.5 a = 3.5 in. and b=2.5b=2.5 b = 2.5 in., determine the stress at (a) point A, (b)A, (b) A , ( b ) point BB B .

Guessing Game. Something Is So Wrong And I Need Help (( - Digital Art Quizlet Codehs Login Page

Munson, Young and Okiishi's Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 8th Edition • ISBN: 9781119721970 Andrew L. Gerhart, John I. Hochstein, Philip M. Gerhart

Knowing that the machine component shown has a trapezoidal cross section with a=3.5a=3.5 a = 3.5 in. and b=2.5b=2.5 b = 2.5 in., determine the stress at (a) point A, (b)A, (b) A , ( b ) point BB B .

Guessing Game. Something Is So Wrong And I Need Help (( - Digital Art Quizlet Codehs Login Page

Munson, Young and Okiishi's Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 8th Edition • ISBN: 9781119721970 Andrew L. Gerhart, John I. Hochstein, Philip M. Gerhart

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